Facilitate peer support meetings in Canada.

On-line peer support meet-ups via Zoom for young adults, caregivers, and families.

Sign-up TODAY to lead a support group!

Supporting Young Adults & Families

  • Hope Companions support groups are community-based groups throughout Canada, that offer peer support for adults living with PANS PANDAS, as well, families supporting children with PANS PANDAS.
  • IBA’s support program is run by volunteers with lived experience. Our peer supporters are passionate and want to help others by sharing their experiences to empower and provide hope to others.
  • The key role of a peer supporter is to facilitate peer support to young adults or families online and/or in their local community by offering emotional support, and education related to challenges and support with system navigation.
  • Having local community groups ensures a link to local medical and mental health services and resources.

3 Reasons for Facilitating a Support Group

coffee shop (Chapter leader meetings)

Provide Peer Support

  • Organize and facilitate peer support groups online and in their community.
  • For many groups this is facilitated through a quarterly meeting.
  • Providing support through shared experience is at the heart of IBA, and is a key support to the community.
  • Medical and mental health services can be fragmented and frustrating for parents and caregivers to navigate. Our peer support groups help families with their journey.

Facilitate Educational Opportunities

  • May facilitate opportunities for learning and development. These opportunities may range from guest speakers to workshops, or the sharing of information from local service providers.
  • Consult with families to identify their needs and interests and organize the group accordingly.

Affect Change in the System

  • Play a pivotal role in affecting change in the medical and mental health system by lifting up patient and family voices about the challenges they encountered on their journey.
  • May sit on patient/family advisory committees, education advisory committees, and be advisors for PANS PANDAS research studies.
  • Many peer supporters realize their unique role to not only share their perspective on system improvement, but to also bring the family voice.

Peer Supporter Criteria Overview


host 2+ annually


personal & professional


bi-annual meeting


guiding principles


review resources