eLearning program will equip learners with essential tools.

Addressing key topics and issues impacting the PANS PANDAS community.

Sign up, and we’ll notify you when registration opens up.

Healing Insights – eLearning

The Healing Insights eLearning program provides online resources and webinars to equip patients & families, educators, and medical professionals with the tools necessary to make informed decisions. The program addresses key topics and issues that the PANS PANDAS community is facing. Surveys and interviews will help inform our learner groups’ needs.

eLearning - Healing Insights

Resources Tailored for 3 Specific eLearning Groups

Equipping Patients & Families

This bold and empowering online program stream is for patients and families. The PANS PANDAS journey is as diverse and challenging: from a patient experiencing symptoms, to receiving diagnosis and treatment, and the challenging road to recovery. Learners will be equipped with the tools to navigate this daunting and disheartening journey. Adult patients & families are invited to join IBA’s Peer Support Groups.

Helping Educators Support Students

This online program stream is to help school teachers understand what PANS PANDAS is; what it looks like in a school setting; and how to support students. Resources will include useful one-page hand-outs, plus an October 9 PANDAS/PANS Awareness Day tool-kit to honor this internationally recognized awareness day.

Training Medical Professionals

This online program stream is specially designed for health professionals with an interest in caring for patients with PANS PANDAS. The clinician instructor will illustrate the topic with case history reports. Medical professionals will be invited to join IBA’s Clinicians’ Network to keep engaged, as well, apprised of any future courses being offered.